A blessed life is created Nov 23, 2021

Growing up, I’d get defensive when people assumed my mother won the celestial lottery.


“I wish I had your mom’s genetics so I didn’t gain weight.”


Even good genetics fail after birthing 11 kids. I saw her work out every single day.


“I’d have a big family too if I could afford it.”



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Can’t Automate Relationships Nov 10, 2021

By the time I wanted to keep secrets and my scary thoughts from my dad, he had rebounded thousands of my shots and put me in hundreds of headlocks and half nelsons.


I knew I could trust him.


These days, I am relying on tickle fights and snuggle wars to build relational equity with my childre...

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Thank you, for being you. Nov 04, 2021

I’m a woman of many words, but when it comes to you, they fail me.


I say, “servant-hearted” but it pales in light of the way you put the children and I first.


I say, “thoughtful” but it seems shallow, for the dozens of times each day I see little traces of you thinking how to help and bring ...

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First Rate Family Oct 28, 2021

Sometimes we have to give up a second-rate dream to raise a first-rate family.


It’s tempting to think we could run faster and farther by by ourselves. But when did faster and farther become the goal?


Each step I take with my children is infused with sweet richness. Each step is one of meanin...

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His Rest Oct 26, 2021

If I didn’t feel exhausted, how could I understand His rest?


If I didn’t feel like a failure, how could I revel in His success?


It’s the hard times, that make His yoke seem easy.


It’s the long days, that make me cling to His grace.


It’s a world riddled with darkness that amplifies Hi...

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World of Difference Oct 12, 2021

It’s the little things.


It’s hide n’ go seek after dinner, instead of trying to survive the noise.


It’s a read-aloud-snuggle-me-book, instead of a pacify-the-whining-show.


It’s a quick wink instead of a furrowed brow.


It’s building magtiles together, instead of sighing at the messes....

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Arrows Oct 07, 2021

I’m a father that cares, but a father that scares, when I think of my kids and this world that they’re in.


It’s dangerous.

Everyone so aimless.


The message they hear from their teachers and peers, is riddled with lies.

Powered by fears.


It’s contagious.

Everyone so aimless.



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Planning our Year, Months, and Weeks as a Couple Oct 06, 2021



Far too often we roll our eyes at the cliches and platitudes spoken on the topic of planning and scheduling. However, Katie and I have found that when we fail to plan, we plan to fail . . . and if we don't prioritize our life, someone else will . . .and if we are aiming at nothing, we hit i...

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A Guide to Building Your Home First Aid Kit emergency preparedness home systems organization Oct 05, 2021


My current pride and joy sits high in a dark closet. It's biter-sweet situation because when I only get to use it when someone gets hurt. Sometimes after the kiddos go to bed, I just stare at the organization in all its glory. 

 But today, I get to pull out my beautiful, giant, Home First Aid Kit ...

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Go Bags: Everything you Need to Survive for 72 Hours with Toddlers (in Theory) emergency preparedness home systems organization survival systems Sep 30, 2021

It's 5 am, but I'm up bright and early to give you ALL the links for these Go Bags . . . Bug Out Bags . . . Survival Bags. I LOVE a good system, and this one is a compilation of 30 YouTube videos and thinking of our family's particular location and hazards.


So, Why Would you Need a Go Bag?


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Preparedness 101: Creating Your Own 5 Gallon Food Storage "Working Pantry" emergency preparedness home systems organization survival systems Sep 25, 2021

When I shared my food storage pantry on instagram, you all had a lot of questions about it, so I figured I would share exactly what I did here.

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask down below in the comments! I lived a mile away from Azure Standard in high school (in an adorable farming...

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Bringing Up Children in this Time Sep 07, 2021

Before abortion, there was child sacrifice.

Before “domestic violence” had a title, there was abuse.

Before online sex trafficking, there were child brothels.

Before pornography, there was adultery and lust.

Before horrific entertainment, there was the Roman colosseum.

Before invisible swimwear...

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