I’m a father that cares, but a father that scares, when I think of my kids and this world that they’re in.
It’s dangerous.
Everyone so aimless.
The message they hear from their teachers and peers, is riddled with lies.
Powered by fears.
It’s contagious.
Everyone so aimless.
Arrows were meant to take flight, get them ready for the fight.
Draw your your bow and take your aim.
I’ve got a quiver full, ready to unload,
Send them out in His Holy Name.
Because YOU God, lead your children in victory, no matter the size of the enemy,
The battle is already won.
So we raise, an army to stand for your glory,
We know the end of the story. The battle is already won.
They win the hearts of our youth with illusions of truth. They spread their fables, while they stare at their navels.
Deception, it’s the enemy’s weapon.
We’ve got a sword we can learn to wield, the season is short that we have them here.
Provision, is only part of the mission.
Raise them day by day, train them up in the way, when they’re old, they won’t depart.
And when we’ve done it all wrong we’ll see that all along . . .
HE was the hero from the start.
Please, God, remind me of your victory. For when I’m fixed on the enemy, I forget what you’ve already done!
But you, God, lead our children in victory, no matter the size of the enemy, the battle is already won.
Excerpt from: Arrows (Elisha’s song)
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