He gently leads those that are with young . . . but how often do I follow?
How often do I lay in bed listening to the Accuser tell me I haven’t done enough? Instead of reminding myself I don’t have to “do” because He has already done?
He gently leads those that are with young, but how often do I choose another path? One that takes me away from home and loads me with burdens I was never intended to carry.
How often do I weary myself with other’s opinion—public approval—instead of seeking his perfect and holy, “well done?”
He gently leads those that are with young, but how often do I value what He values? Wasting sweat and time and tears building a fallen kingdom, when he only asks me to teach little Souls of His.
How often do I run headlong with the masses to entertainment, unfulfilling pleasure, and never ending noise, instead of sitting silently by His still waters of restoration?
He gently leads those that are with young, but I have to walk behind. His burdens are light, but I have to give him mine. His Words are life-giving, but I have to listen.
Lord, gently lead. I am ready to follow.
If you are looking to create more systems that simplify your home, check out Katie's Free Masterclass to learn her top three tips for creating a peacefully productive home!
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