Freezer Meal Prep for Postpartum (Recipes and Lists!) motherhood Jul 05, 2023

 I didn't think freezer prep was a win for our family for a long time. My problems with it? 

#1: We don't love casseroles

#2: I didn't have a giant freezer to store all the meals

#3: I like things that taste . . . fresh. Not crockpot after crockpot.

But over the years I have learned a few ways to ma...

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How to Help Your Child Adjust to a New Baby motherhood Jun 07, 2023

So often we look at what a child takes away when it enters our world, instead of what it brings. 

Often that trickles down to what our children perceive as truth as well. When we truly see a new child as a new gift to bless our home, that excitement and joy informs how we communicate about the new ar...

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Day in the Life: 32 Weeks Pregnant with Baby #5 homeschool motherhood May 31, 2023

5:30am Good morning! 

For the past 4 months I've been getting up at 5:30am to have my morning quiet time, workout, read, and prepare for the day. I'm expecting my energy to slow down in the next few weeks, but for now, I'm taking advantage of this energy surge and running with it. I LOVE summer m...

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You Are Not a Victim. motherhood Oct 26, 2022

"You are not a Victim.

To your children. 
To your home.
To yourself." 

I wrote that in my journal two years ago, because sometimes it feels like I am. 

When the house is falling apart, and the kids are popcorn whining, and baby stole every drop of sleep from my eyes. 

I start to wonder if my husband's q...

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Mom Friends: Finding Them, and Creating Time to Spend with Them motherhood Oct 12, 2022

Some of us have them but have no time to see them. Some of us want them. And some of us don’t really see the point.

I used to fall into the first and last category. I mean, how were you supposed to keep in touch with other women as a busy mother and what was the point anyway?

When You Don't See the ...

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Current Favorite Reads: A Book List (September 2022) homeschool motherhood Sep 30, 2022

I did one of those eight-minute-long-winded rambles on Social Media (as I am prone to do) and left no time in my afternoon to give you the links to our current favorite reads this month. Below you will find links to where I found each title -- hopefully saving you precious time digging around trying...

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Two Secrets of Highly Productive Mothers home systems motherhood Sep 21, 2022



Do you ever look at a mom with the same amount as kids and wonder how she seems to get WAY more done? Or be more at peace?


(First off, all moms have frazzled moments, so even if she looks like she doesn’t . . . she loses it sometimes.)


BUT there are women who do get way more done in a ...

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5am Morning Routine, After Miscarriage motherhood Sep 14, 2022

Watch the YouTube Video Here.

I have been asked dozens of times how I processed the grief of losing a child at 10 weeks, and I honestly have no good answer. I suppose at the root of it, my trust in God's timing, the four beautiful children before me, and my deeply seated belief that this world is n...

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