Build Your Future Without Compromising Your Present
If we can’t win the private battles than no matter how many public battles we win, we will never walk in confidence or live a life of fulfillment.
When you are stripped of your confidence, your ability to lead yourself and your family seems to vanish.
For years I would sit by inactive and passive whenever I lost vision and confidence and simply wait until I was graced with a dose of inspiration and motivation to get me back on track. In hindsight it’s easy to see how I was choosing to be a victim to my emotions and feelings.
I would look at high performers and effective leaders and assume they must just experience more sustained periods of motivation and discipline.
I knew the “things to do” to succeed in the areas that were important to me. Wake-up early, read my bible, workout, date my wife, lead family bible times, be a problem-solver at work, take risks in business, etc. The problem was I just couldn’t do these things for sustained periods of time.

Escaping the familiar cycle of inspiration - distraction - exertion - exhaustion - depression.

Having the clarity and energy to build a future you're excited about instead of surviving the week you dread.

Growth in . . .
-The ability to lead yourself
-Confidence in your role as a husband.
- Vision for fatherhood
-Fulfillment and Purpose in your every day life
-Sustained progress towards my 1,5, and 10 year goals in the areas of finances, impact, health, and spiritual maturity.
"Being in the Growth Initiative has been Life Changing.
The tools provided in the program helped to restructure how I go about planning my days. I never knew how much time was wasted doing actions that do not lead me to the man I see God shaping me to be. The resources in this program helped me to develop a plan to identify these areas and make the changes needed to become the leader and man that I see in my future for my wife, family and those around me. I strongly recommend this to those who want to make the life changes to become the man their family and community needs."
- Thadd Kennedy
Is consistent, sustained, rewarding growth in marriage, fatherhood, and work even possible?
Yes. But mastering marriage, children, work, and the desires God has placed on your heart doesn't happen by accident.
The difference between high-achievers and those who will always wonder if they had what it takes is not their goals - it is their systems.

Fact: Men who value both Family and Personal Success Face Unique Challenges
Without clarity and a plan of action it can lead to . . .
- Depression
- Lack of confidence
- Boredom + going through the motions
- Self-doubt
- Stress taking the excitement out of romance
- Losing your wife's admiration and respect
- Lack of excitement for the future
What's at Risk?
Imposter Syndrome
Feeling like you have everyone fooled, but waking up every morning to a deep sense of inadequacy.
Mediocre Marriage.
Missing the sparkle in your wife's eyes. And a lifetime roommate relationship instead of the passionate, romantic companion you dreamed of.
What if?
Knowing you were capable of more, but never living into the ideals you had for yourself.
Resenting Family.
Never acting on the dreams or goals God placed on your heart, because of the constant fatigue, chaos, and demands of Fatherhood.

If you're looking for an opportunity to get yourself re-centered, organize your priorities, and setup a game plan for growth, all while being a part of a community of like-minded, Christian men that want to grow into the men God created them to be, I would recommend you make the investment into yourself and join the Growth Initiative. Elisha is genuine, has great resources that he has put a lot of work and thought into, and gives actual practical application things to help you move yourself forward.
- Jacob Renfro

Thank you so much for sharing the wisdom that God has gifted you through your relationships and your walk with him. This has blessed me more than I will ever be able to express. In the midst of all the darkness around us, there shines a brilliant light in you. The light of Christ. Thank you for answering the calling God has for you Elisha. May God bless you, your wife, and your children. Much love.
- John Fluger

I really enjoyed going through the growth initiative and the interaction with other men who were passionate about seeing consistent growth in their lives and their families. The tools that are taught are very helpful in breaking old destructive habits and creating new ones that will help you accomplish the goals in your life. I wish I could have had these tools 15 years ago. Thanks Elisha for being willing to help men change their lives.
- Jeff Hoover
" . . . It's been a month since our last group call. The impact [The Growth Initiative] is having on our lives is absolutely incredible."

What Makes The Growth Initiative Powerful?
The Growth initiative is unlike any program you've ever been a part of.
You'll gain exclusive access to...
- 6 Weeks of transformative trainings
- A weekly LIVE coaching call and mastermind with the men in your pod
- A dynamic community of like-minded men
- Tools, mindsets, and strategies for sustainable and prioritized success.
I’ll be honest with you. My wife mentioned this course a couple of times, but something in me said: that’s not for me.
But the Lord kindly (but persistently) used my wife to bring me to the point to register for the Growth Initiative. And I am grateful He did. My Dutch, down-to-earth character never imagined me doing a course like this. But i was encouraged by the weekly appointment we had as men. How wonderful to see and hear Godly men all over the world, setting aside time to focus on the Word of God and how to implement practical tools that help you further in the things God planted all ready in you.
The course gives space for your personal way, and it’s okay that English isn’t your first language. What made it extra special for me is that, even though I have a job that usually needs me on the times the zoom calls were planned. Those six weeks took I only had to take off twice. The other four naturally worked out. He provides! If you are doubting whether or not to do the Growth initiative; I would recommend you doing it. It helped me create order in my goals, my passions, my deep desire to walk in Gods plan. Thank you Elisha for investing your time and prayer in this tool. The more counselors a believer can rely on, the stronger and richer his life is. He is steered in the right direction. (Like Proverbs 11:14)
- Pieter Rienk Boscha

Two and half years ago I was working as a barista to provide for my family.
My wife was 6 months pregnant with our third child and the thought of having dreams or goals seemed foolish and irresponsible. I was buried with the headaches and problems that arise on a daily basis.
Midwife appointments, finding a bigger apartment, buying a car that could fit three carseats, taking the kids to swimming lessons, trying to get sleep each night, searching for the time to workout and read my bible, starting the week over again . . . the future? How could I think of the future when surviving the week seemed to take more energy than what I had to give?
I found myself detaching more and more from reality because . . . I didn’t like my reality.
I had zero confidence. I felt undeserving of my wife’s respect and support. I felt incapable of leading my family.
I had many blessings in my life, but I was unable to take joy in who I was being and what I was doing.
At the time, I thought my lack of confidence and fulfillment came from a lack of success in career and finances.
Then I discovered systems.
No longer relying on my failing willpower or pure determination. But setting up an environment that supported a future that excited me.
In the past two and half years, by God's Grace. I’ve been able to move to our dream town, buy our first home, welcome our fourth child into the world, grow my personal income from thirty thousand dollars a year to over three hundred thousand dollars annually, be in the best shape of my life, have a more flirtatious and fulfilling marriage than ever before, and be a part of christian community that allows me to serve while also being poured into.
Yes, those were goals of mine but the outcome these goals is not what makes the Growth Initiative systems so effective. The Growth Initiative systems enable me to be the man I know I was called to be regardless of the material results. But honestly, the material results are a pretty fun bonus. . .
During your Six Week Growth Initiative You Will Discover How To . . .
Never again rely on whims of inspiration to make you feel confident and capable. Know what it takes to wake up every morning proud of the man in the mirror. And when distraction and fatigue come, using your roadmap to quickly move back into a place of clarity and focus for a vibrant marriage, peaceful family, and fulfilling work and personal aspirations.

I really appreciated how much thought went into condensing a number of different concepts together in a way that was not only approachable and understandable but most importantly, immediately applicable. My favourite part was how tangible it was being able to see progress in myself throughout the course, which is exactly what I was hoping for. Thank you so much.
- Rory Meade

The Growth Initiative really took my desire to be a spiritual leader to a whole new level and helped me create a plan of what I want my days each week to look like in terms of planning my miracle morning. I got to meet a fantastic and loyal group of men just like myself who want to improve their walk with the Lord, their leadership in the family and how they set themselves up for success each day. Without a doubt, I would do this group again! Thanks to everyone who put it together.
- Eric Joondeph

“The Growth Initiative was a great opportunity to take an objective look at my goals and come up with systems to measure progress. I’m at a turning point in my life and entering a new season. Going through this program helped to put things into perspective and demystify the idea that goals might be too difficult or unattainable.”
- Joshua Humphrey