183: Starting A Christian School // Building A Life Your Children Want To Continue // Interview With Father of 9, Joe Stout
Joe Stout and his wife, Elizabeth, have nine children ages 13 years to eight months old. They live on a farm with 500 goats and run a 90-year-old company that makes health supplements from goat milk. Joe received a Master’s of Science in Clinical Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and a Bachelor’s of Science in Human Nutrition and Food Science from Washington State University. Along with running the farm, He has engaged in graduate studies of Sustainable Food Systems at Green Mountain College and is certified in Permaculture Design.
Joe's Personal Website: https://joestout.org/
Mt Capra Website: https://mtcapra.com/
Listen To Joe's Music Here: https://joestout.bandcamp.com/
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